Players focus on dynamic warm-up and stretching before they start throwing a baseball. Switch Pitcher Workouts on YouTube >> Dynamic Warm-Up Routine To get the blood flowing, start with a jog then increase to running Warm-up focuses on groin, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors and core, 2x 20 yards for each exercise - skip forward / skip backward - walking lunges - side lunges, left / right - hops - carioca left / right - hurdle kicks - high knees - move sideways - shuffle step - back peddle Phillies Jimmy Rollins Dynamic Warmup Baseball Workout - video Features some of the exercises mentioned above. 15 minute baseball dynamic Warmup Stretching Routine Static stretching is done in a team circle, with a different player leading each exercise. Focus on arms, legs and core. - arm circles (small, medium and large circles; forward/backward - see video) - arm stretch, crossed over chest - arm overhead stretch with elbow bent 90 ...
Learn about ambidextrous pitchers – from Little League to the MLB.