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The Knuckleball

A  knuckleball  (or  knuckler ) is a baseball pitch with an erratic, unpredictable motion. The pitch is thrown slowly with a special finger grip to minimize the spin of the ball in flight.  The slight rotation causes voritces over the stitched seams of the baseball during its trajectory, which in turn can cause the pitch to change direction making it very difficult to hit and catch.  Knuckleball 101   - Blog - Learn how to throw the knuckleball   As used by Eddie Cicotte, the knuckleball was originally thrown by holding the ball with the knuckles, hence the name of the pitch.  Now the  knuckleball  grip includes digging the fingernails into the surface of the ball or gripping the ball with the finger tips. Is there an ambidextrous pitcher who can throw a knuckleball? Watch Switch Pitcher Henry Knight throwing the knuckleball. Great knuckleball pitchers: Tom Candiotti,  Charlie Hough...