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Effective Velocity theory by Perry Husband

The same velocity pitch can appear to be faster or slower based on the location relative to the batter. A pitch thrown up-and-inside appears to be faster than the same velocity pitch located low-and-away. In the pitcher/hitter confrontation, whoever controls time, wins.  It really is that simple. Your browser does not support iframes. What is effective velocity? Effective Velocity (EV) is the study of pitch speed and how location changes the reaction time by forcing the hitter to hit the ball at a contact point that is different than they were ready for. When a pitch at 90 MPH is inside or outside, the speed "Effectively" changes because the hitter has to hit the ball earlier or later as though the pitch gained or lost speed. So, in essence, the pitch location has caused the hitter to gain or lose reaction time. For every 6" inches that the ball changes laterally, there is a little less than 3MPH gained or lost. (source: ) Watch the ...