The Washington Herald. (Washington, D.C.), 25 Sept. 1911. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers . Lib. of Congress. < > A Philadelphia baseball fan, possessing an inventive mind, has just patented an ambidextrous baseball glove, which, he maintains will be in great demand some of these days. The glove can be worn on either left or right hand, and is said to possess qualities unexcelled in other baseball armament. The patent described the improvement as follows: "The object of my invention is to produce a baseball finger glove adapted to be worn with equal facility upon either the right of left hand. " Read more Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 15 Dec 1911 A Philadelphia fan possessed of an inventive turn of mind has patented an ambidextrous baseball glove, which, he maintains, will be in great demand some of these days when the p...
Learn about ambidextrous pitchers – from Little League to the MLB.