Pat Venditte who signed with the Oakland A's continues to be featured in the press, but Angel Macias who threw a perfect game in the 1957 LLWS is by far the most popular post about a switch pitcher. In the offseason, weighted ball programs and increasing velocity is a big focus of readers. Enjoy the list. Top Ten Posts Angel Macias pitched a perfect game in the 1957 Little League World Series Baseball Glove Options for Switch Pitchers Learn to Throw a Cutter like Mariano Rivera Why are switch hitters rare? Warm-up Exercises for Pitchers Ambidextrous baseball gloves Has there ever been a switch pitcher in Major League Baseball? Weighted Baseball Training Programs How to throw a cutter How to increase throwing velocity in six weeks Recent off-season posts ... Pitchers Glove Rules - Size and Color Weighted Ball Program for a High School Pitcher Weighted Baseball Training Programs Thower's 10 exercise program for pitchers Active Switch Pitc...
Learn about ambidextrous pitchers – from Little League to the MLB.